
Inspections and diagnostics of buildings

We use the rich experience of our experts – designers, but also workers in the field of defectoscopy (NDT) to diagnose the building structures. The standard requirements for inspection planning are an essential part of safety, help to determine the residual service life of buildings and help in the implementation of repairs. This segment of our activities has an indisputable use for investment planning or Facility Management needs. As part of the reconstruction work, we are able to document the repairs carried out by a static assessment and documentation of the as-built condition.

As part of the diagnostics of steel structures, we offer
  • Dimensional and shape measuring of steel structure, determination of steel elements and piping  dimensions (manual measurement, use of 3D scanning, geodetic measurement)
  • Providing of material tests (mechanical properties, chemical analysis of the material) in an accredited laboratory and their evaluation
  • Ultrasonic measurement of material thickness
  • Ultrasonic measurement of corrosion losses
  • Visual inspection of welded joints
  • Penetration checks of welded joints
  • Ultrasonic inspection of welded joints
  • Measurement of thickness of surface layers
We perform all types of inspections of steel structures according to ČSN 73 2604
  • Initial inspections
  • Routine inspections
  • Detailed inspections
  • Extraordinary inspections
  • Usability inspections
  • Special types of checks and tests
  • Individual inspections based on special requirements

We perform and provide construction-technical surveys (CTS) not only of steel but also of other types of building structures.

References of inspections and diagnostics of buildings

> 30 years successful on the market
> 30 years
successful on the market
> 50 countries, where to find our work
> 50 countries,
where to find our work
Certificates for all production
for all production
Comprehensive services from design to assembly
Comprehensive services
from design to assembly